- Linux commands learning more.
- Made documents of the different levels and what I did to overcome the challenge, which command we I used.
Bandit Level 0
The login details were provided:
Login: Bandit0
Password: Bandit0
Bandit Level 0 – 1
The password for the next level is stored in a file called readme located in the home directory. Use this password to log into bandit1 using SSH. Whenever you find a password for a level, use SSH (on port 2220) to log into that level and continue the game.
I used the ( ls -al ) command which it shows everything in the directory.
Then it shows me that there is a text file called readme. After that I used the command ( cat ) which reads and prints the text out in the terminal to show you what is in the file.
Bandit Level 1 – 2
The password for the next level is stored in a file called – located in the home directory
The answer was located in the home directory as stated by the question.
All I did was access the home directory and listed everything that is in that folder and I found the file that I was looking for, so I used the command ( cat ./-) to gain access to the file. The reason for the way I accessed the file was because a ( – ) by itself is an argument or option for the command in this case it was a file so I needed to make a normal file. The two ways we can do it is be putting ( ~/ ) before it or the one I used in this case ( ./ ) so it let me access it with with cat.
Bandit Level 2 – 3
The password for the next level is stored in a file called spaces in this filename located in the home directory
All i did was list what was in the directory and then used the ( cat) command to read what was in the file.
Bandit Level 3 – 4
The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the inhere directory.
I gained access then typed ( ls -al) which lists all files in the directory and then I found the ( inhere ) directory and the did the same thing in listing all the files by running the command ( ls -al ), then I found the hidden file and printed what was in it to the terminal by using the command ( cat ).
Bandit Level 4 – 5
The password for the next level is stored in the only human-readable file in the inhere directory. Tip: if your terminal is messed up, try the “reset” command.
Here as you can see I needed to find the only human-readable file among the many files.
So what I did, was I went into the ( inhere ) directory and typed the command ( file ./* )
which means that it looks for files in this current directory and lists the types of files that they are and the data within each of the files.
Bandit Level 5
The password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the inhere directory and has all of the following properties:
- human-readable
- 1033 bytes in size
- not executable
Used the find command to solve this one:
- find /home/bandit5/inhere/ – This shows the path of where I am looking
- -type f – Shows I am looking for a file in the directory
- – readable – Shows only the human-readable directories
- ! executable – No executable files shown.
- -size – Size of file in human readable form
- -cat – Outputs the result in text